Giang Ha

BA (Hons) Marketing student.

Hello! My name is Giang Ha, and I'm a final year Marketing student.

It's been four years since I first arrived in the UK, and I've acquired many valuable experiences and unforgettable memories along the way. In this blog, I'll take you through my journey from my first year to where I am now and what I have learned so far… 

First year (2019)

In my first year, I studied International Year One in Marketing at the International Study Centre on campus. The University seemed huge and picturesque! I loved the University so much that I attended all the induction activities and every campus tour that was offered so I could get to know the campus well and make friends. I tried to attend as many social events and activities throughout different buildings on campus, and thanks to all these activities, I was offered a position as a Student Ambassador for Huddersfield Business School  – I was over the moon! I joined the Vietnamese Student Society, became the class representative, and represented the class to attend the International Study Centre Students’ Meeting with different representatives across the UK in London. It was such a brilliant experience for a new student to make new friends and visit London! I worked as a link between the International Office (IO) and International Study Centre as the Events Campus Champion to promote events from IO to international students. It was a great year and I built relationships with many students and staff at the University during this time. 

Giang Ha with the Vietnamese Student Society Giang with friends from the Vietnamese Student Society.

Second year (2020)

In my second year at university, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out and I had to stay online for the entire year. At first, I was very worried, but I learned to adapt to the situation. I got through this difficult period. Despite the uncertainty that the pandemic brought, I passed my second year with an average of 72% and also secured a placement year in the School of Computing and Engineering. I also got a part-time job at a Chinese convenience store in town, which motivated me to pursue my Chinese certificate after graduation. To sum up, everything happens for a reason, and I'm happy these challenges have made me stronger and more resilient. 

Giang Ha with certificate Giang with a certificate for taking part in a recycling challenge

Third year (2021)

I started my role as a Research Administrative Assistant at the School of Computing and Engineering (SCE). It was one of the best times in my student life. I got to know many academics in SCE, and I had the chance to work with and befriend many Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs), as well as staff from the Computer Library Service, Estates and Facilities. I organised different events across the SCE and acquired administration skills, as well as other important transferable skills for my career such as communication skills, computer skills, problems solving skills. During my third year, I got voted as Student Delegate and represent students in the Students’ Union (SU) and attend the Student Annual Conference in Liverpool, which I attended with other SU Officers. I also got voted as the President of the Vietnamese Student Society and organised many events for international and Vietnamese students throughout the year. It was a real roller coaster, but I loved every minute of it and learnt so much.  

Giang Ha Giang stood outside the University of Huddersfield.

Final year (2022)

I finished my placement year with invaluable knowledge, skills, and experience, and gained valuable friendships with staff and students. I came back to my final year and continued undertaking various roles such as President of the Vietnamese Student Society, Societies Administrative Assistant for the SU, and Student Ambassador at Huddersfield Business School. I'm enjoying my final year so far!

Giang Ha with Lisa Du-Lieu at an Open Day at Huddersfield Business School Giang with Senior Lecturer, Lisa Du-Lieu, at a Huddersfield Business School Open Day.

My advice to other students is to make sure that they fully enjoy their university life, work hard, and be nice and kind to everyone, especially themselves. The University offers lots of support to its students from employability and well-being support to academic skills guidance. It offers lots of services to students, so if you reach out for support, there is always someone available to help you.  

Finally, I hope my blog can motivate and inspire you to achieve what you desire! Have a great time at university as it will be part of your memories that you won’t forget. 

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