Reece Fenton

Studying Computer Science with Games Programming BSc(Hons)

Covid-19 has had a massive effect on all of our lives, and University is no different, after studying in a remote learning style for 2 months, I have some tips on how to handle things best during the pandemic and beyond.

Keep your room tidy.

If you are like me and living in halls, now that you will be working from home a lot, your bedroom will become your everything room. Keeping the space tidy is one of the best tips I can give, even though I may be guilty of not keep on top of it all the time. A tidy room will help you to relax and focus more on what you are doing, not to mention the added benefit of not losing things every 4 minutes.

Make the most of the day.

I know just how tempting it is to wake up to your alarm, throw it across the room, turn over and go back to sleep for the next 3 weeks, especially now you don’t have to even get out of bed for lectures. Whilst this feels amazing in the moment believe me, it only comes back around to bite you. Especially now the evenings are getting shorter, waking up in the morning and getting out of bed will help you to feel more energized and refreshed, ready for the day.

Try to schedule your work every week.

Having a solid schedule for your work helps you keep in a routine and get the work done. We’ve all done it before, putting the work off for days, just to spend the final 24 hours not sleeping or eating, just to meet a deadline. A routine can help you to work more efficiently and whilst it may take discipline and some time to get used to. In the long run I have found that you can end up with more free time for yourself, by getting through the work more effectively.

Get out and about.

Going back into another national lockdown isn’t easy and limits how much we can all do. One thing that that is possible is to get out and back to nature. There are some fantastic walks and green spaces around Huddersfield, like Castle Hill and Greenhead Park – even around the university campus itself! There has never been a better time to do this and you may even end up finding a new passion for something you love.

Be kind to yourself

Now that you don’t have to commute on to campus you should have extra time in your day. Whether that be an hour or 10 minutes make the most of this extra time. This doesn’t mean that cramming in some extra studying just because you feel like you need to. Use this time to your own benefit, whether that be learning a new skill that you’re interested in, or just having a break from the busy world.

I know how overwhelming university can feel at the start of the first year, especially during a pandemic! Remember not to be too hard on yourself, you are allowed one lazy morning here or there and you definitely won’t stick to your routine first time round. Keep trying and hopefully these tips help you to feel your best and make the most of your time through this difficult period and beyond.

Reece studies on the second year of Computer Science with Games Programming BSc(Hons) to find out more about this course click the link. 

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