Online learning, also known as distance learning, is a type of study that takes place in a virtual classroom. This makes it a practical choice for a wide range of people from busy parents to working professionals to those who live far from their desired university, or do not have the time or means to attend in-person classes on campus.

With that in mind, here are the top five reasons to study online from students and graduates of our distance learning courses at the University of Huddersfield.

1.    Ability to earn while you learn

Stefano Pieri, Artificial Intelligence MSc
"Studying online gave me the opportunity to study with a prestigious overseas university. It also allowed me to study while continuing to work full time, as I could access my study materials online at any time. The video lessons, in particular, were of a high quality and introduced the technical topics very well and in good depth, which gave us students the tools to work independently and complete our assignments successfully."

Stefano stood in front of a graduation pull up banner. He is wearing a graduation hat and gown.

2.    Balance your studies with other commitments 

Fuzhan Rahmanian, Artificial Intelligence MSc
"Studying online was a very interesting experience. Whilst I missed the face-to-face contact with other students on my course, I really enjoyed the flexibility of distance learning.  I had the freedom to adapt my routine to include enough time to study my online classes after or alongside my daily commitments."

Fuzhan wearing her graduation gown and hat, holding her Chancellors Prize certificate.

3.    Study from anywhere in the world

Aaron Hobday, Career Development and Employability MA
When I applied for the course, I was living and working in Hong Kong, so studying on campus wasn’t an option for me. That being said, studying online, I still feel that I’ve made good friends with the people on my course, and I’ve learnt a lot from them in our interactive sessions. 

Aaron and a colleague stood smiling.

4.    Flexibility to study at the times and locations that work best for you

Emma Lees, Career Development and Employability Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip)
"The flexibility of studying online was brilliant. It meant that I didn’t need to live near to the University to study here and it gave me the freedom to choose and attend the best Career Development course without being geographically restrained. I could easily log on at home or at work and attend live lessons, as well as log in at any time of my choosing to catch up on lessons and access learning materials and events asynchronously."

Headshot of Emma Lees.

5.    100% online teaching and learning

Michelle Joynson, Data Analytics MSc

"The reason I chose Huddersfield specifically for distance learning was because the assignments did not require in-person attendance. A lot of other universities, despite advertising their courses as distance learning, had face to face elements within their courses. Being able to study 100 per cent online gave me the flexibility I needed to continue working whilst I studied and allowed me to learn at the times that worked for me."

Headshot of Michelle Joynson

Studying online at Huddersfield

The University of Huddersfield's Distance Learning Unit offers a range of online courses in subject areas including Business, Career Guidance, Computer Science and Psychology. The majority are available to study part-time to fit around your lifestyle and many hold professional accreditations, to ensure that your teaching and learning is aligned with industry best practice. 

Want to know more about the differences between online and on-campus courses? Hear from the Head of Distance Learning, Sean Pryor

Interested in studying online? Find out more about distance learning.