Aral Jack Yildirim

Sound Engineering and Music Production BSc(Hons)

Hi everyone! I am Aral Jack Yildirim, but everyone always calls me AJ. I study Sound Engineering and Music Production at Huddersfield, and I’m also an endurance athlete, specifically a distance runner.

Balancing training and study

I run marathons and hope to run ultra-marathons in the future. This requires lots of dedication, hard work, patience and commitment. I am currently in training for the Istanbul Marathon. 

An early start

My day starts early at 6am, so I am thankful I am a morning person. Storthes Hall Park, the halls of residence recommended by the University, is great for running because there are lots of quiet roads you can run on nearby with not a lot of traffic. 

I choose to run at this time because it starts my day off with some energy and it gives me the freedom to do what I want for the rest of the day. There are gyms for students with treadmills available, but I prefer to run outside. It is very cold this time of year, so it takes a lot of willpower to walk out that door!

AJ stands in his running kit, a blue tshirt and black shorts, in front of a plain green painted wall

Off to uni for the day

I get back, stretch, shower, eat breakfast and go to the University for 9am lectures. There is a free shuttle bus between Storthes Hall Park and the University, which I take.

I am a BSc Sound Engineering and Music Production student and I love my course. It provides access to world-class studios and teaches me a lot about what I love. I usually have two or three lectures before lunch about studio production and games audio. These lectures are in the Haslett Building. I try to pack myself a lunch, but when I forget, one of my favourite places to get lunch from in Huddersfield is the Panini Shack. Huddersfield also has a Subway, Greggs, and multiple other cafes to choose from.

A view of the landmark Oastler Building at the University of Huddersfield

Heading to the gym

I try to go to the gym on campus in my break between lunch and the next lecture or seminar. I work on more cardio and do some light strength training.

After the gym I go to my final seminar of the day, which is Live Events and Audio Visual Systems in the Laura Annie Wilson Building, which is a practical session.

In the same building you can find the music studios, which you can book on Bluerooms online or by simply going there. I often go after my final seminar or when I have free time. Everyone is always really friendly in there. I love all the hardware as I am a big nerd when it comes to music gear like compressors and equalisers. I work on my projects and try to get home for 5pm unless I have a late lecture.

I must watch my diet because I am so close to my marathon, so I eat a lot of carbs, proteins and try to consume a lot of water.

An image of a sound mixing desk surrounded by several speakers and a monitor

Ending the day with a gig

On this particular day, there is an event held by Music Tech Stores at a place called Northern Quarter in town. There is live music with lots of people and it’s free entry, which is great for a student. I listened to my friends’ band, and I had a great time talking to other students.

I could stay later but I have to get home because it’s so close to my race and because I wake up early.

A woman plays a keyboard on stage, next to a man playing a guitar, while a man plays drums in the background. Beside them wording on the wall says Northern Quarter

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