Rohan Hyett

Product Design BA/BSc(Hons) - Second Year

Hello I'm Rohan! Alongside studying BSc Product Design I enjoy pursuing photography and work as a freelance photographer. I love long hikes in the Peak District and volunteer as a puppy socialiser for Support Dogs.

Balancing full-time studying and part-time employment


Whether it’s to earn a bit of extra money, make new friends or gain valuable life experience outside of university, there are many reasons for choosing to find a part-time job whilst completing your studies. However, before making this decision there are many things to consider, including how this will affect your course.


My name is Rohan, I’m a second year BSc Product Design Student and in this blog I’m going to share some of my experiences with balancing studying and paid employment.


Since beginning my studies at the University of Huddersfield, I have been working part-time at Wilko as a Sales Assistant. I also work as a primary school supply teacher for children with learning difficulties. As you can imagine the week can be very busy with my different jobs and University commitments taking me to many different locations. Being able to balance my timetable and ensuring I allow myself enough time to focus on my university work has become crucial.


Due to the current national lockdown, it is also hugely important to remember that the job market is very competitive. Try and not be discouraged if you are researching and applying for lots of jobs,but aren’t successful right away. Before being accepted at both the jobs I currently hold, I had applied to countless others. The University’s Career Advisors and Employability Team are a fantastic place to contact for information and advice about gaining employment.

Part-time work whilst at university - badge

So, what are the positives of part-time employment?


I must confess to not being the most organised person! However, when faced with dividing up my days so meticulously, it really was essential for me to get a grip on my diary and make sure none of my commitments overlapped or were forgotten about.


Aside from rising to the challenge with perfecting my schedule, completing part-time work has also given me a much-needed break away from my studies. Being completely immersed in another activity very different to my university work has actually been a welcome change.


After completing my shift, either at Wilko or whilst working within primary schools, I have returned to my university work feeling refreshed and often with new ideas after having been immersed in a completely different environment.


As well as providing a change of scenery to my studying, having part-time employment can also be a brilliant way to meet new friends. Networking and learning from other individuals, many of whom may also be students elsewhere can be a fantastic way to discover new opportunities and experiences.


By engaging in part-time work, you are also opening yourself up to a range of valuable life lessons that can’t always be gained from studying alone. Every step, from the application and interview process to carrying out your employment duties day-to-day can become useful, transferrable skills.


The part-time job may not be your dream career or even remotely related to the line of work you aspire to be in, but the skills gained from applying and working will be very applicable elsewhere.

Part-time work whilst at university - Rohan

Finally, a huge benefit to gaining part-time work are the financial benefits. Whether you’re saving up for a new phone or laptop, having some extra funds is always useful.


It is also important to be aware of the negatives of working before you begin applying. First and foremost would be the pressures that are placed on your timetable and university schedule. Ensuring you’re still able to attend your classes, lectures and seminars is absolutely crucial, alongside having sufficient time to complete coursework and exam preparation. Considering these pointers before you begin applying may save you huge amounts of time if you’re unsure on how you will manage balancing the two.


To conclude, whilst I completely understand the time pressures that already exist for university students, gaining part-time employment can be a fantastic way to become involved with something separate from your university life.


The experience, friendships and lessons that can be acquired from part-time work can last a lifetime and even count towards your employability in the future.


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If you would like to speak to any of our current students about part-time work, student life, or Huddersfield in general, feel free to message them on UniBuddy.


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