Element Shortcuts

Element ShortcutWhere populatedOwner
Campaign block/carousel T4 Marketing Co-ordinator/Practitioner
Carousel content development   Marketing Co-ordinator/Practitioner

Campaign block/carousel

A screenshot of the coursefinder application with the Campaign block/carousel highlighted

Not affected by CMA È

ElementWhere populatedNotes/instructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Campaign block/carousel T4

The Campaign content type has the following elements:

• Name - the internal T4 name

• Do you have a Youtube , Vimeo video or image to add? – yes or no button to add picture or video

• Image (Choose one) – the image to display on the left

• Youtube video ID – the ID of the YouTube video to put on the left NB you can have either an image OR a video, not both. (The start frame as it appears in You Tube will appear in the video space until it plays).

• Title of section – the heading to appear aove the text on the right (Character count: 25-32 inc. spaces)

• Bold paragraph – the first paragraph to appear on the right (will be made bold)

• Campaign body text – the rest of the text on the right (Character count: 900-1200 inc. spaces, inc bold paragraph) • Background Image – the image to underlay behind the campaign (you don’t need to fade it to grey – course finder will do that for you). If background image is not supplied, a central generic image will pull through automatically.


The Web Team are looking at the development of a new content block to be used for events promotion with a 'Book now' button

Marketing Co-ordinator/ Practitioner Not affected by CMA

Carousel content development

A screenshot of the coursefinder application with the carousel content highlighted.

Not affected by CMA È

ElementWhere populatedNotes/instructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Carousel content developent  

This has been developed as a carousel so that it is flexible and you can use more then one piece of information, including:

- Student profile video

- Student image and quote

- Alumni image and quote

- Facilities video

- Open Day / PG Study Fair promotion

- Events eg Inspired Huddersfield, Concerts, Sound Vision Place

- News

If using a carousel, please develop a content calendar for this space so that out of date news, events are not left on the page and it is regularly refreshed


Recommended number of items: 1 - 4





Marketing Co-ordinator/ Practitioner Not affected by CMA

Entry requirements

Go to the Coursefinder Population Guide Entry requirements page


Go to the Coursefinder Population Guide menu page


Go to the Coursefinder Population Guide Placements page