Element Shortcuts

Element ShortcutWhere populatedOwner
Course Title  IPP Course Publication Team
Course intro/short selling text IPP - Metadescription Marketing Co-ordinator/Practitioner

Course Title

A screenshot of the coursefinder application with the course title area highlighted.
ElementWhere populatedNotes/InstructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Course Title IPP This will automatically populate from the ASIS screens that CPT populate when a course is set up. Course Publication Team Updates after courses go live must be made in accordance with the CMA procedure.

Course intro/short selling text

A screenshot of the coursefinder application with the course intro area highlighted
ElementWhere populatedNotes/instructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Course intro/short selling text  IPP - Metadescription field 130-260 characters inc spaces Marketing Co-ordinator/ Practitioner

Mandatory CMA information.

Updates after courses go live must be made in accordance with the CMA procedure.


Development: Coursefinder search funtionality to be more data-driven and less binary


Go to the Coursefinder Population Guide Intro page


Go to the Coursefinder Population Guide menu page

Header block

Go to the Coursefinder Population Guide Header block page