Element Shortcuts

Element ShortcutWhere populatedOwner
Key info table IPP Course Publication Team
Additional academic entry requirements IPP Course Publication Team
Addiotinal non-academic entry requirements IPP Course Publication Team 
Additional info for 'interview, audition and portfolios' IPP Course Publication Team 

Key info table

A screenshot of the coursefinder application with the Key info table highlighted.
ElementWhere populatedNotes/instructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Key info table IPP

Character count: 900 - 1200 inc. spaces.


Special narrative to be entered by CPT. If this section isn't populated with the correct mark-down to create the formatting as per the Coursefinder design, it will pull through as one block of text.

Course Publication Team Mandatory CMA information. Updates after courses go live must be made in accordance with the CMA procedure.

Additional academic entry requirements

A screenshot of the coursefinder application with the additional academic entry requirements area highlighted
ElementWhere populatedNotes/instructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Additional academic entry requirements IPP

Special narrative to be entered by CPT:

Course Publication Team Mandatory CMA information. Updates after courses go live must be made in accordance with the CMA procedure.


Additional non-academic entry requirements

A screenshot of the coursefinder application with the Additional non academic entry requirements highlighted.
ElementWhere populatedNotes/instructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Additional non-academic entry requirements IPP

Special narrative to be entered by CPT:

### Additional Content

Course Publication Team Mandatory CMA information. Updates after courses go live must be made in accordance with the CMA procedure.

Additional info for 'Interview, audition and portfolios'

A screenshot of the coursefinder application with the additional info for interview, audition and portfolio area highlighted.
ElementWhere populatedNotes/instructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Additional info for 'interview, audition and portfolios' IPP

If applicants are involved in interviews, auditions or portfolios, you can provide additional guidance via a link to the appropriate pop-up modal on this webpage https://www.hud.ac.uk/undergraduate/how-to-apply/interviews/


The specific links for each area:

Art, Design and Architecture - https://www.hud.ac.uk/undergraduate/how-to-apply/interviews/#!/?modal=ada

Drama - https://www.hud.ac.uk/undergraduate/how-to-apply/interviews/#!/?modal=drama

Games Design - https://www.hud.ac.uk/undergraduate/how-to-apply/interviews/#!/?modal=gd

Music - https://www.hud.ac.uk/undergraduate/how-to-apply/interviews/#!/?modal=music

Social Work - https://www.hud.ac.uk/undergraduate/how-to-apply/interviews/#!/?modal=social

Teaching - https://www.hud.ac.uk/undergraduate/how-to-apply/interviews/#!/?modal=techmoda


If you wish to edit content on an existing content block or develop a new content block on the main webpage, please contact Natahn Smith, Web Content Officer. If a new content block is developed on the main webpage, please update Josie Ellis so that the specific modal link can be added to the above list.

Course Publication Team Mandatory CMA information. Updates after courses go live must be made in accordance with the CMA procedure.


Development: We will be replacing background image witha a coloured block

Course Detail

Go to the Coursefinder Population Guide Course detail page


Go to the Coursefinder Population Guide menu page

Campaign block

Go to the Coursefinder Population Guide Campaign block page