Element Shortcuts

Element ShortcutWhere populatedOwner
Fees and finance main text tab IPP - 'How much will it costs me?' field

Central Marketing to provide approved standard text.

Marketing Co-ordinator/Practitioner, if non-standard text is being used.

Scholarships and bursaries tab IPP - 'How much will it costs me?' field Marketing Co-ordinator/Practitioner 
Additional costs tab IPP - 'How much will it costs me?' field  Marketing Co-ordinator/Practitioner 
Tuition fee info  

Central Marketing to provide approved standard text.

Marketing Co-ordinator/Practitioner, if non-standard text is being used


Fees and finance main text tab

A screenshot of the CourseFinder application with the Tuition fee info tab highlighted.
A screenshot of the coursefinder application with the Additional costs tab highlighted.
A screenshot of the coursefinder application with the Scholarships and bursaries tab area highlighted.
ElementWhere populatedNotes/instructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Fees and finance "tuition fees" tab IPP - 'How much will it cost me?' field

Fees and Finance character count: 1400-2500 inc. spaces

Additional costs character count: 400-600 inc. spaces

Scholarships and bursaries character count: 400-600 inc. spaces


For most courses, you will not need to add a “How much will it cost me?” narrative as there is default copy. However, some courses do have non-standard fees so have to convey additional information, and in those circumstances you will need to populate this narrative, and are encouraged to break it up into tabs.


If you are adding additional information tabs to this section, you don’t have to add the “Tuition fees - <study mode>” tab unless you want to override the default text. If you just add an additonal information tab then coursefinder will automatically add the default fees tab for you.


In order to add a tab, simply add the tab heading by prefixing it with ### and then on the next lines add the content that you want to appear in the tab. If you don’t use this format then the default content will simply be displayed without any tabs. IMPORTANT: If you wish to override the default fees text for one or more study modes, regardless of whether there are any additional tabs, you must add the heading for tuition fees for each study mode (e.g.: "### Tuition fees - part-time")



### Tuition fees - full-time
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra, risus eget iaculis tempus, massa lacus euismod nulla, eget porta libero ex id enim. Nunc sit amet est quis justo malesuada ullamcorper sit amet in odio. Mauris eu justo finibus dolor vestibulum rhoncus et in augue. Proin fringilla cursus ante, id ultrices sapien sollicitudin nec. Nunc eu eros sit amet ex blandit interdum. Duis suscipit ac libero imperdiet bibendum. Aliquam semper cursus lobortis.



### Tuition fees - part-time
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra, risus eget iaculis tempus, massa lacus euismod nulla, eget porta libero ex id enim. Nunc sit amet est quis justo malesuada ullamcorper sit amet in odio. Mauris eu justo finibus dolor vestibulum rhoncus et in augue. Proin fringilla cursus ante, id ultrices sapien sollicitudin nec. Nunc eu eros sit amet ex blandit interdum. Duis suscipit ac libero imperdiet bibendum. Aliquam semper cursus lobortis.



### Additional costs
Aliquam sit amet lacus ut leo volutpat venenatis a eget nibh. Maecenas eu purus ac erat pellentesque pulvinar nec et justo. Suspendisse hendrerit ac lacus vitae facilisis. Suspendisse vestibulum velit non lectus commodo faucibus. Nam ultricies ornare elit. Aliquam elit nulla, ullamcorper et nibh eget, lobortis condimentum ex. Nam ultrices lectus eget odio aliquet efficitur. Sed lobortis nec elit nec mollis. Phasellus tempus imperdiet dolor ac ullamcorper. Nunc id porttitor purus. Donec dignissim gravida congue. Ut non pretium tortor.


### Scholarships and bursaries
Proin convallis malesuada sem, ac tempus nibh tempus sed. Cras cursus consectetur justo, at consequat lectus pellentesque at. Nulla consequat eu neque sit amet cursus. Sed sodales est sed molestie molestie. Pellentesque ante ex, condimentum a elementum et, condimentum vel nisi.

Central Marketing to provide approved standard text.


Marketing Co-ordinator/ Practitioner, if non-standard text is being used.

Mandatory CMA information. Updates after courses go live must be made in accordance with the CMA procedure.
Scholarships and bursaries tab IPP - 'How much will it cost me?' field Marketing Co-ordinator/ Practitioner Mandatory CMA information. Updates after courses go live must be made in accordance with the CMA procedure.
Additional costs tab IPP - 'How much will it cost me?' field Marketing Co-ordinator/ Practitioner Mandatory CMA information. Updates after courses go live must be made in accordance with the CMA procedure.


Tuition fee info

A screenshot of the CourseFinder application with the Tuition fee info tab highlighted.
ElementWhere populatedNotes/instructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Tuition fee info  

UG and PGR tuition fees are automatically populated - a course will automatically get a tab showing the default fees for each study mode that is has. There are some exceptional courses that need to overide this info eg MArch.

You do not need to override this info if you want to add any additional tabs eg Scholarships and bursaries and/or Additional costs.

Some groups of courses (at the time of writing these are the postgraduate taught courses) have multiple bands of fees, each of which has its own default text. To make sure that colleagues don’t have to paste in the text for each banding into every course in that band (and have to change it on every course if the text changes), we’ve introduced a mechanism for including a choice of default texts.

If you put the following into the IPP fees narrative text, it will pull in the default text for that particular band:

### Banding 1

You can contact the marketing management or one of the web team if you need to know what text corresponds to which banding number. The banding declaration is also combinable with additional tabs as described earlier in this document.

Please note: if you use the ### Banding format, you do not need to include ### Tuition Fees - <study mode> in IPP - course finder will replace the ### Banding with the default tuition fees tab for the given banding and study mode.

Central Marketing to provide approved standard text. Marketing Co-ordinator/ Practitioner, if non-standard text is being used. Mandatory CMA information. Updates after courses go live must be made in accordance with the CMA procedure.


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Important info

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