Element Shortcuts

Element ShortcutsWhere populatedOwner
Gallery Summary T4 Marketing Co-ordinator/Practitioner
Gallery content Work - Title T4 Marketing Co-ordinator/Practitioner 
Gallery content Work - Image & Modal T4  Marketing Co-ordinator/Practitioner 
Gallery content Work - Issuu & Modal T4  Marketing Co-ordinator/Practitioner 
Gallery content Work - YouTube or Vimeo video & modal  T4  Marketing Co-ordinator/Practitioner 


Gallery Summary

A screenshot of the coursefinder application with the whole of the gallery area being shown.
ElementWhere populatedNotes/instructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Section title T4

Section title can be changed.

Character count: 25-32 inc. spaces

Marketing Co-ordinator/ Practitioner Not affected by CMA
Intro text T4 Character count: 150 - 450 inc. spaces Marketing Co-ordinator/ Practitioner Not affected by CMA
Gallery content T4

The is a flexible section that can be used to populate images and videos. This content must be engaging and high quality and be relevant to the course/audience (it shouldn't be a dumping ground for content that doesn't fit elsewhere).


This section can be all images, or a combination of images and video. If using video, you will need to provide a still-image to appear on the image wall. A play icon will be overlaid. Images will be resized automatcially to fit (like Pinterest).


There are four kinds of content type that you can add:

• Work – Title: A heading and short piece of copy for the gallery

• Work – Image & modal: An image that launches a larger version in a modal

• Work – Youtube or Vimeo & modal: a video that launches in a modal

• Work - Issuu & Modal: a PDF embed that launches in a modal


Recommend number of images: 3 - 6 (any more than this and a lot of scrolling is required for mobile users)

Marketing Co-ordinator/ Practitioner Not affected by CMA

Gallery content Work - Title

A screenshot of the coursefinder application with the gallery title and description area highlighted.
ElementWhere populatedNotes/instructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Gallery content Work - Title T4

The Work – title content type has the following elements:

• Name – the internal T4 name

• Heading – the heading of the gallery eg Student work, Our facilities, Our student and staff - it should be engaging and meaningful

• Description – a brief description of the gallery

Marketing Co-ordinator/ Practitioner Not affected by CMA

Gallery content Work - Image & modal

A screenshot of the coursefinder application with the Gallery image modal highlighted
ElementWhere populatedNotes/instructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Gallery content Work - Image & modal T4

The Work – Image & modal content type has the following elements:

• Name – the internal T4 name • Image - the image to be used as both thumbnail and in the modal

• ID (no spaces) – a unique word used to identify the image to the pop-up code – no spaces and cannot start with a number. E.g. image1 is OK but 1image is not • Title – the title used in the modal

• Paragraph bold – an optional bold paragraph to begin the copy in the modal

• Paragraph main – the main copy for the modal

Marketing Co-ordinator/ Practitioner Not affected by CMA

Gallery content Work - Issuu & Modal


Example image still needed

ElementWhere populatedNotes/instructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Gallery content Work - Issuu & modal T4

The Work – Issuu & modal content type has the following elements:

• Name – the internal T4 name • Image – The image to click on to launch the modal, should be a still from the video

• Issuu ID – the Issuu ID of the document (this is the data-configid that can be obtained by getting the embed code of the docuemnt it should look something like 22417282/67893505

• ID (no spaces) – a unique word used to identify the image to the pop-up code – no spaces and cannot start with a number. E.g. image1 is OK but 1image is not

• Title – the title used in the modal

• Paragraph bold – an optional bold paragraph to begin the copy in the modal

• Paragraph main – the main copy for the modal "

Marketing Co-ordinator/ Practitioner Not affected by CMA

Gallery content Work - YouTube or Vimeo video & modal

A screenshot of the coursefinder application with the gallery video modal highlighted.
ElementWhere populatedNotes/instructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Gallery content Work - YouTube or Vimeo video & modal T4

The Work – Youtube & modal content type has the following elements:

• Name – the internal T4 name • Image – The image to click on to launch the modal, should be a still from the video

• Youtube ID – the Youtube ID of the video you want to include (see the “About the course testimonial” section for how to find the Youtube ID of a video)

• ID (no spaces) – a unique word used to identify the image to the pop-up code – no spaces and cannot start with a number. E.g. image1 is OK but 1image is not

• Title – the title used in the modal

• Paragraph bold – an optional bold paragraph to begin the copy in the modal

• Paragraph main – the main copy for the modal "

Marketing Co-ordinator/ Practitioner Not affected by CMA


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Your career

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