Coursefinder guidance and technical instructions


Coursefinder is an essential tool for enquriry and applicant conversion.

1,755,286 unique visits to coursefinder pages (from March 2017 - November 2018)

42% of users use a mobile device 6% tablet and 52% desktop


Google Data Studio

Don't forget to use Google Analytics to gather data on your course pages - these are especially useful when working with your academic teams

Google Data Studio dashboards have been developed and should be reviewed on an ongoing basis


Important notes:


Using Chrome

Please only use Chrome when editing IPP. There are errant characters within IPP that do not appear when using Firefox and Internet Explorer.


To preview a course under development

To use the preview function, your course must be marked as 'School complete' in the 'Modify status' section in IPP

You will then need to:

  1. Open coursefinder for the course you are working on
  2. Add 'preview/' after on the specific course URL that you are viewing, eg.

This will take you to a coursefinder development area so you can view the course

Please note: You can ONLY use this function for course year groups that are not yet live on coursefinder. If a year group is already live on coursefinder, DO NOT use this function because your course will automatically pull through to coursefinder.


Mobile view

Please remember to review how your content displays on mobile to ensure the best user experience.

You can read more about how to do this:


To make a course live

For a course to pull through to coursefinder, it must be marked 'School complete'

Please note: New recruitment years will not appear on coursefinder until Matt Jones has made necessary adjustments in the back end of IPP.


Additional IPP and T4 guidance

At the end of this document you'll find links to additional guidance for IPP and T4

Please note: These are still under review so do check anything you're unsure about with Matt Jones (IPP) or Aaron Russell (T4)

Please let me know if any updates are required to the document based on your questions



Please work with your Web Editors to utilise the findings in Siteimprove to help you improve the content on your course pages


Created by: Josie Henry, February 2018

Updated by Josie Ellis, November 2018


Add: UNIAC sign off procedures


Landing page

Go to the Coursefinder Population Guide landing page

Create T4 section

Go to the Coursefinder Population Guide Course search page