Element Shortcuts

Element ShortcutWhere populatedOwner
Background image T4 Marketing Co-ordinator/Practitioner
Main copy IPP - Placements field Marketing Co-ordinator/Practitioner
Quote/endorsement T4 Marketing Co-ordinator/Practitioner 

Background image

A screenshot of the coursefinder application with the background image highlighted.
ElementWhere populatedNotes/instructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Background image T4

Image can be populated by Schools so that it is relevant to the course. Please ensure that text is legiable over the chosen image.


Marketing Co-ordinator/ Practitioner Not affected by CMA


Development: We will be replacing background image with a coloured block

Main copy

A screenshot of the coursefinder application with the main copy highlighted.
ElementWhere populatedNotes/instructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Main copy IPP - Placements field

Placements are a key message for the University and this space should be utilised to best sell placement opportunties. It is advised that you develop a content plan/calendar for this block so that it is regularly refreshed with the strongest placement examples.

All paragraphs must be separated by a double return, so there is a full line between them. Character count: 800-1250 inc. spaces.

Marketing Co-ordinator/ Practitioner Mandatory CMA information. Updates after courses go live must be made in accordance with the CMA procedure.



A screenshot of the coursefinder application with the quote/endorsement area highlighted.


ElementWhere populatedNotes/instructionsOwnerCMA Guidance
Quote/endorsement T4

Character count: 130 - 250 inc. spaces.


There are two types of testimonial you can add here: either a text quote with attribution, or if you have a video testimonial you can use that. When you add content to this section you will be offered a choice of the two types.


The text testimonial has the following elements:

• Name – the internal T4 name

• Quote – the text of the quote

• Name of person – the name part of the attribution

• Relation to Uni – the part of the attribution following the name

• Image of person – the thumbnail portrait of the person next to the attribution


The video testimonial has the same elements except the Quote element is replaced by a YouTube ID element. You can get the YouTube ID of your video by going to its page on YouTube and copying it from the URL – it’s the bit after “v=”.


Web Team developing new content block to allow video to be used

Marketing Co-ordinator/ Practitioner Not affected by CMA


Campaign block

Go to the Coursefinder Population Guide Campaign block page


Go to the Coursefinder Population Guide menu page

Teaching Excellence

Go to the Coursefinder Population Guide Teaching Excellence page