Example use case

This content type could be used to highlight a specific point or event in situ additionally it may be used to link to and follow on page or resource relating to the banner content.


  • Right / Left aligned text box
  • Optional Button

Background pattern

  • Stripped image
  • Dotted image
  • Neutral blue
  • Neutral gray

Caption Colour

  • Corporate Blue
  • Light Blue
  • Orange
  • Primary Blue
  • Red
  • Green
  • Medium Blue
  • Pink
  • Purple

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur gravida, dolor vel dictum viverra, purus libero blandit tortor, quis egestas diam massa eget leo. Sed vel arcu mollis ex placerat venenatis.


In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur gravida, dolor vel dictum viverra, purus libero blandit tortor, quis egestas diam massa eget leo. Sed vel arcu mollis ex placerat venenatis.


In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur gravida, dolor vel dictum viverra, purus libero blandit tortor, quis egestas diam massa eget leo. Sed vel arcu mollis ex placerat venenatis.


In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur gravida, dolor vel dictum viverra, purus libero blandit tortor, quis egestas diam massa eget leo. Sed vel arcu mollis ex placerat venenatis.

This video will demponstrate how to use the banner with caption content type.