Deciding which university is the right one for you can feel like a huge decision. Sometimes it might even feel like information overload.

That's why many students have created articles and videos about their personal experience. How did they pick a university? What made them choose their course?

You'll see that each student shares some of the things that helped them. We hope it'll help you too.

All articles written by students

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How to choose a university.

The guides listed below will help you to compare universities, find courses and give you an idea of which university is the best for you. - the official website for comparing universities and courses. Brought to you by The Office for Students and other government departments.

UniMatch from The Student Room - This is a search tool created by the Student Room to compare university courses.

University course quiz

Fill out the questions in these quizzes to find the courses that matches you.

What degree should I do? - Student Hut's quiz for finding a degree.

What course should I do? - A quiz from WhatUni for students who aren't sure what to study.

I want to be… - A quiz from WhatUni for students who know what they want to do, but would like guidance getting there.


Student blogs

Return to the student blogs homepage.

Meet our reps

These are the students who are sharing what life is really like at the University of Huddersfield.