Why you should attend an Open Day

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Sophie Thomas

Graduate - Web Technologies BSc(Hons)

Sophie is one of our previous student reps, check out the previous reps page for more information

You will properly hear me say this a lot but deciding to go to University is a huge decision to make and deciding which University to go to is an even bigger one. Once you have made the decision to go to University you then have find the right University for you in terms of the course and location because there is no point in the course being right if you are going to hate living there and vice versa.

There is a way to gather loads of information about the different Universities and it also gives you an insight into the Uni itself, the course and the location surrounding the University. Yes you guessed it, Universities hold Open Days throughout the year to allow you to look round the University.

Why attend open day

The only drawback to an Open Day is that you will have to travel to get there. However, this will all be worth it as you will be spending most of the day at the University finding out what course you will be doing and where you could be living for the next 3 to 4 years.

What an Open Day does best is that is provides you with so much to do throughout the day; with talks from lecturers, workshops based around your course, tours around the campus, an insight into where you could be staying and of course student helpers on hand to answer any of your questions.

When I was looking at what University I wanted to attend I went to three Open Days. Going to those Open Days really did help me make my decision. Now that I am here at Huddersfield University I can honestly say that I did make the right decision because I am enjoying my course and I love the University and location surrounding the Uni.

Why attend open day

The biggest tip I can give to you when attending an Open Day is to make notes throughout the day because trust me you might forget somethings that was said, not because it was irrelevant but because it is such a busy day and for some it can be very overwhelming.

Still not convinced? I asked some current students why they attended an Open Day and what they gained from going. Check out what they said in the video below.

Why you should attend an Open Day | Sophie Thomas

I hope that as many of you can attend an Open Day provided by the Universities as they are a huge help and if you cannot don’t worry there are plenty of information about the Universities online.

Have any of your own tips you’d like to share about attending an Open Day? Then let us know in the comments box below.

To book onto a University of Huddersfield Open Day, visit: http://www.hud.ac.uk/open-days/

– Sophie :)

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