Luke McDonough-Stratford

Physiotherapy BSc(Hons)

Hi, I’m Luke. I'm a first year Physiotherapy student at the University of Huddersfield. I moved to Huddersfield for study from nearby Leeds.

Why did I choose Physiotherapy?

After a number of years on casual contracts struggling to establish myself financially, I knew it was time for change. I have always had an interest in healthcare and I spent most of my 20s working in the dance sector of the arts, which is probably my single biggest passion and a monumental part of who I am.

With all that very much at the forefront of my mind, the cogs began turning on how I could bring my passions together to forge a career that would combine my love of dance and movement, with my caring nature and interest in healthcare. The answer had to be Physiotherapy.

Initially, I looked towards Huddersfield because it was one of the few universities offering the course that was within commutable distance of my hometown, Leeds, but I was soon to discover that it was not only the closest option but, also undoubtedly the best.

Physiotherapy is a competitive course and being a mature student, I was aware getting the offer of a place would be no small task but, Huddersfield’s appealing nature only made me want it more. and helped me establish that Physiotherapy was the path that felt right for me. 

Student Luke performing a Relevé ballet pose in St Peter's Parish Church, Huddersfield

My open day experience

I discovered just how much Huddersfield has to offer at an Open Day, where my first impressions actually turned out to be rather accurate. Stepping on campus that morning, I instantly loved the feel and vibe of the place. It was friendly, it felt warm, there was a buzz and navigation was relatively easy.

The size of campus being reasonably small and having everything in one place was exactly what I was hoping for because it instantly felt like a community. 

Much to my surprise, I ended up with a private tour and the Student Ambassador who showed me, and family, around could not have been more helpful and informative on so many aspects of university life. She also displayed a real interest in discovering more about my motivations for considering studying at Huddersfield. 

A moment that stood out for me was when a member of staff addressed the ambassador by name and said: ‘Aren’t you cold in just a T-shirt, can I get you a jumper?’ I knew in that moment that Huddersfield was a place that cared. It was my experience on that tour which inspired me to become a Student Ambassador myself.

Student Luke taking a selfie smiling in his student accommodation room wearing his University of Huddersfield student ambassador t shirt. The Open Day experience at Huddersfield formed a big part of why I chose to come here.

Getting familiar with the course

Visiting the Open Day and the subsequent Applicant Visit Day, held in the spring, was the perfect way for me to really get familiar with different members of the tutoring team. I was impressed how every member of staff was consistently helpful and extensively knowledgeable on their specialised discipline. 

I am certainly more of a practical learner so, I found the level of practical content most appealing but, overall, the people were just as influential. All the staff and Physiotherapy students I got the opportunity to meet genuinely beamed with passion for the field and that inspired me to take that leap.

One element that particularly drew me to the course itself, was the Ramsden Building where many of the practical sessions take place. It was the only building I saw, out of every university I visited, that had the feel of a hospital inside. 

On arrival at Ramsden, we were welcomed in by a third-year Physiotherapy student who gave us a detailed tour of the facilities and it was at that point I began to imagine myself being there - it just felt like the perfect fit.

Physiotherapy student Luke in a practical classroom sat on a treatment table. One of my favourite things about my course are the practical aspects of it- here I am on a plinth one of our most frequently used pieces of kit.

The decision to move out for university

I see Huddersfield as a student town that lives and breathes the University. It’s a place that literally has everything I need within no more than a 10-minute walk from campus and it’s become a lovely little home–from–home with my coursemates resembling a little supportive physio family. 

Even though I could have commuted, I was so impressed with the cost and quality of the accommodation here that I decided to make the move- and if I could offer just one piece of advice, it would be just that. By living here, I have been able to establish my own study space where I can focus on my studies but, essentially, I feel fully immersed in the whole student experience.

Aside from the course itself, the vast array of societies and clubs you can join at Huddersfield also played a large role in my decision-making Being here in the evenings has enabled me to join the Dance Society and the Pole Fitness Club, which has been a great stress-buster, has allowed me to keep fit. and increased my social circle tenfold. 

For whenever I need some fresh air, I found that Huddersfield has lots of pretty spaces in and around the town, such as Greenhead Park, which is the perfect place to clear your head. Both town and university really meet my needs and it’s that vast array of offerings collectively that makes me glad I chose Huddersfield.  

War memorial situated at the south west corner of Greenhead park. The periods commemorated are 1914-1919 and 1939-1945 Greenhead Park - one of my favourite places to go to in Huddersfield.

Which University?

Read more articles from current students at Huddersfield describing how they chose their course and why.

Student life in Huddersfield

What is life like as a student in Huddersfield? Hear it straight from our current students as they write about their student experience.