Chloe Cowell

Media Studies BSc(Hons) - Third Year

Hello, my name is Chloe and I’m a third year Media student here at Huddersfield! I’m interested in anything media-related, from films and TV to music videos and I often like to dip my hand into video editing.

Although I’m not originally from Huddersfield, I have been at the university for three years now and have gained much knowledge and insight into living as a student. So, today I'm going to talk about the topic of making friends at university.

I won’t lie to you and say that making friends at university is easy, because it’s definitely not. I was often told before coming to university that people made lifelong friends here and so I came along with high expectations. However, unfortunately, while this can be true, it’s not always as easy as just showing up on the first week and hoping people come to you. You might not make friends straight away, but that's fine, and you're not alone in that! I wish I would’ve known this information before starting university, so, to make the process easier for you, here are some ways you can meet new people and make new friends at uni.

Join online groups for Freshers

A really good place to get started before you attend university is online groups, whether this is for your accommodation, course or even just for Freshers in general. You can find many groups on Facebook, and as people are also interested in getting to know others, it’s very common for someone to start one big group chat outside of that group (if not, you could always take the initiative if you’re feeling up to it).

Before university started, I scoped out many different groups which I thought I related to and joined them. Since then, I’ve been a part of a group chat for my accommodation for my first, second and third year! Group chats are a good way to put faces to names, as well as communicate with those that are literally all around you. If I had to pick a top tip out of all of the tips I discuss in this blog, this would be it!

Groups making friends blog

Sign up for Societies and Clubs!

You probably hear this all the time, but societies and clubs are great for making friends. There are loads to choose from, so it won’t be hard to find something that at least piques your interest. This makes societies and clubs an amazing way to make friends as you already have a common interest among you that has been established, making conversations that much easier.

Another thing to note when it comes to societies and clubs is that many of these groups will organise events that take place outside of the university, from meeting at bars to quiz nights, there is usually always something going on.

society - making friends blog

Get to know your flatmates

If you're living in student accommodation, I would recommend inviting your flatmates to do something as a group. This could be anything, something as small as doing a food shop together would even be enough, as it would give you something to talk about.

In my first year, one of my flatmates invited me to a bar with some of his friends and I had the best time. Not only did it bring me out of my shell a bit more, but it helped me to become more familiar with Huddersfield in general. Myself and that particular flatmate are still friends to this day, so I guess I am living proof that this works! Not everyone is confident enough to do this but if you're up for it, go for it – you have nothing to lose.

Flatmates making friends blog

Attend Freshers' events

Go to Freshers’ events! A lot is happening when uni first begins, especially concerning societies, so it’s not hard to find something that might interest you. A few examples of these events include the likes of the Freshers Fair, where you can get lots of free stuff and interact with society stalls to see what they’re all about before joining.

Some other events include HudCrawl, HudLive, HudComedy and much more, so keep your eyes peeled for what’s going on! The whole point of Freshers’ events is to help you meet new people and socialise, so get involved in as much as you can!

Welcome week things to do

Make the most out of the first week

Finally, the first week is a great time to start your friendship adventure (however, don’t worry if you don’t manage to make friends at this time). It may not be the same for every course, but for my course, we had an induction week in which we didn’t start lectures and seminars properly until a week after - this gave everyone the chance to get to know each other. Take this opportunity to become more familiar with the people you're going to be studying alongside for the next few years.

Ask people about their accommodation, are they commuting? If they're living in accommodation, which one? Is it the same as yours? Where are they from originally? Are they going to any Freshers’ events? (if they have no one to go with, this is a good chance to go together).

Being on the same course has many advantages as you already have similar interests and as a result, there is plenty to talk about.

Schwann Building - Why I chose Psychology Blog

Good luck on your friendship adventures and remember, everyone is in the same boat as you

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